Growth hack social media in 2024

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2024 is the year of the social agent. Having an online presence is not something new, it’s a necessity now. The agents that succeed in 2024 online will be following what is shared in this article.

The 2024 social agent will use Ai to their advantage to save time and create content, they will be authentic and true to their brand, post consistently and make content that speaks to their audience.

What is the point of social media in 2024?

The rise of social media and brand presence through social media platforms has given real estate agents a huge opportunity to extend themselves to more people online. The main advantage of social media is the ability to attract customers to your profile, with minimal work and face-to face contact, making it more time efficient than traditional marketing models.

The advantage of being popular on social media is that the more people know you, follow you and share your content. Building a big following on social media is about showing your personality, likable traits and providing 3 important things:

1. Value

2. Entertainment

3. Advice

If it doesn’t fall into these categories, you have to think, why would they follow me? People like you because of who you are, not what you sell. To be frank, people don’t actually care about what you sell.

Sales is just bad marketing

Now I guess you may be thinking, well, if i’m not promoting my services, how will I sell them? That’s simple. It’s all about building a relationship with your leads. Build the trust by offering FREE valuable content and genuine help, then you will be a ‘trusted authority’ in their minds.

Why does building your brand matter?

Your brand builds trust and credibility, sales is a by product of having a trusted brand.

If you enter a store and the sales person immediately tries to sell you a product, it doesn’t build your trust with them, let alone give you a reason to like them… You might want to leave, or even feel guilted into buying their product. This is NOT the way to build trust and longevity in your relationships with customers.

Social media is a bit like this, if you visit someone’s page and they are 24/7 posting sales related content, you won’t follow them. You don’t trust that they are actually trying to help you.

If you visit someone’s profile and they have engaging content with limited sales posts and lot’s of value, entertainment and advice, you’re more likely to give them a follow because they are actually helping you. This builds trust and is the first point of contact in your relationship with the customer!


In 2024, authenticity is what will make or break your success online. Most people can see through someone who is fake.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to be yourself online. If you have interest in a certain sport or hobby, show it. Chances are other people in your local community who have similar interests will gravitate towards you.

Don’t get caught in the rut of thinking you have to look like a slick suited up millionaire. Unless your community is also like that, chances are they will think you are overdressed and ‘above’ them, not making you relatable at all.

A good trusting brand attracts leads, rather than you chasing leads

Why chase leads, when you can have them come to you? If you give away value to people, they are more likely to follow you and be thoughtfully engaged in your content. When the time comes that they need to buy or sell a house, or utilise your service, they are likely to go with you, as you’ve built that trustworthy relationship already!

Opens up new opportunities and brand deals at scale.

Agents with big brand followings are also the same agents that score big brand deals, partnerships and are constantly given opportunities to collaborate and grow their business. Big consumer brands love to work with influencers and people who are liked in the industry.

Follow the lead of key influencers:

  1. Ryan Serhant
  2. Mike Sherrard
  3. Josh Altman

They all focus on brand, not on selling. Have you noticed that all their content falls into: Value, Entertainment or Advice?

Open your eyes, think like an entrepreneur

Have you heard the advice that a millionaire has multiple revenue streams? Building a brand is the first step towards opening yourself up to more revenue streams.

Instead of only selling houses, you can add revenue through brand deals, real estate courses, B2B training, podcast and social media revenue and so much more.

2024 Blueprint for Social Media

What to post:

Knowing what to post is what is standing between you and your social media success. Remember, you don’t need to be a global viral sensation. Your goal should be to be the local celebrity. That is someone well known in the areas you work in.

Your content needs to speak to your audience, think, why would my audience find this piece of content relatable or valuable? Remember only a small percentage of your audience is in selling mode when they are seeing your posts. SO you need to move away from the business of real estate and start making content that is relatable to the average person in your local community.


  • Local bar and dining scene
  • Recipe of the week
  • Cocktail of the week
  • Market update
  • Community news
  • Joke of the week
  • Meet and greet with local business
  • Community involvement
  • Real estate diaries series
  • Story of past clients (create a story not a testimonial)

Where to post:

  • Instagram and Facebook (using the Meta Business Suite Content Planner)
  • Youtube

When to post:

  • Early mornings
  • In the evening/ night

Think about when people are most likely to be browsing on social media

How to use Ai to save time and create content

We could talk about this for hours, but the 2024 social agent will use ChatGPT to create marketing and action plans, in depth SEO articles, posting ideas, caption ideas, keyword analysis and use ChatGPT to understand their audience to an even greater level

The social agent will also use Ai apps such as Opus clip and CapCut to repurpose long form video content into short form video content. This saves you time so you can spend more time selling houses!

Key takeaways:

If your potential leads visit your social media profile and it’s all about selling and your listings, they are likely to leave instantly.

People like you because of who you are, not what you sell, so move away from the business of real estate and show content that people in your community will resonate with.